The Finance and Stewardship Committee is responsible for promoting the financial support of the church’s ministry and programs as an expression of our gratitude for the God-given blessings we receive. The committee is also charged with the following tasks:

  • Develop an annual spending plan based on the requests of the various service and program groups.

  • Promote and support fundraising efforts.

  • Oversee the work of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer through monthly reports and periodic meetings.

    • Organize a committee of Sunday morning counters of unrelated persons and separate from the Financial Secretary and Treasurer.

    • Secure an annual audit of the financial records.

    • See that expenditures are consistent with the spending plan.

    • Assure that the expressed wishes of donors are faithfully carried out.

  • Adopt procedures for the security of all funds and financial instruments.

  • Provide periodic individual giving reports to the congregation.

  • File an annual report with the Charge Conference.