“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Dear United Methodists in the Susquehanna and Upper New York Area, 

After any election, regardless of whether my candidate wins or loses, I remind myself that Jesus is Lord. By God's grace, I am a citizen of the Beloved Community of the Risen Christ, and this relationship is my primary identity and loyalty. I love my country, honor its laws and leaders, and pray for them, but ultimately, I belong to Christ and Christ alone.

Today, I pray for President-elect Trump's well-being and God’s wisdom to guide him. I hope his administration respects and honors our constitutional rights and laws while prioritizing the common good, particularly the welfare of the most vulnerable in the United States and worldwide.

As the nation reflects on the results of this presidential election, I encourage those who feel joy and hope based on the results to express it with humility and grace while prioritizing Jesus's command to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. I stand with those feeling frustration, disappointment, concern, or fear due to the election results. Take care of yourselves in healthy ways. Let your community know how we can support you. May your grief lead to a renewed hope that guides and sustains you.

To all SUS and UNY United Methodist disciples, leaders, and congregations: I urge us to embody Christ’s radical hospitality, care, and concern for all people in our communities, particularly those feeling most vulnerable during this time. As I mentioned in my pre-election reflection, we are called to engage in a ministry of peacemaking and reconciliation as the people of God. Our actions, words, and hearts must reflect Christ’s love, compassion, and justice. Like Jesus, we must honor every person's dignity and sacred worth, bridge divides, and serve as agents of God’s healing within our communities.

As many wonder what the next four years will bring, let us remember what will always remain the same:

  • God’s extravagant love for all creation and humanity.
  • Christ’s saving grace and promise of abundant life.
  • The Holy Spirit’s guiding presence and healing power.

As we move forward after the 2024 Presidential Election, United Methodists in the Susquehanna and Upper New York Areas will continue nurturing disciples of Jesus Christ who embody and share faith, love, mercy, and justice. We envision a future of unity in diversity. We will faithfully and boldly proclaim the gospel of hope in Jesus Christ and courageously engage the issues that affect our local and global neighbors. Our actions will be rooted in our commitment to justice, peace, and the common good.

As your fellow disciple and episcopal leader, I humbly reaffirm my baptismal vows and my commitment to work for a society and world where all people can live to their full God-given potential and experience God's Shalom.

I renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of my sins.

I confess Jesus Christ as my Savior, put my whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as my Lord in union with the Church Christ opened to all people. 

I accept the freedom and power God gives me to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. 

May the words of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, resonate in our hearts and guide those the nation has entrusted to lead our democratic government.

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” John Wesley 

May God’s love grant us all peace and protect our hearts. May the grace of Christ strengthen our faith and hope. May the Holy Spirit’s presence and power bring healing and guide our daily steps. 

Paz de Dios,

Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez
The United Methodist Church
Serving the Susquehanna & Upper New York Area