We have learned that our 122 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are destined for Botswana. They were shipped on December 16th. Botswana is a country located in Southern Africa. It is 70% desert. Botswana is known for its production of diamonds as well as its safari tourism that features in particular, its large herds of elephants. Samaritan’s Purse began delivering Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes gifts to children here in 2000. Later in 2010, the follow-up discipleship program “The Greatest Journey” was offered in their language.
Please don’t stop praying for the boy or girl that will receive our shoeboxes. Continue to ask God to soften his or her heart to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that he or she will follow Him all the days of their life. Pray also for families and entire communities to be transformed as God’s love is shared through our simple gift.